Make Your Teams More
Prepared and Efficient

Surgicloud will keep your reps informed about
changes to their upcoming cases. Our platform
streamlines case billing, allowing your team to
close purchase orders more quickly.

Manage Cases with Ease

Surgicloud makes it easy to schedule and manage
cases, which means it will make surgical case scheduling for hospitals. When details about a case change, hospital
teams and reps will be notified with the update,
ensuring everyone on the surgical team is always up-to-date.

Surgicloud Manage Cases With Ease

Close PO’s More Quickly

Our platform makes it easier for hospitals to reconcile surgical procedures and
decreases the time needed to process a purchase order. Surgicloud accelerates
the workflow for your billing teams by reducing the outstanding sales and
accelerating your cash flow.

Surgicloud Log Implants During Case With Ease

Log Implants During
Cases With Ease

Using Surgicloud during a case to log
the implants used reduces paperwork
and eliminates data entry errors.
Products can be scanned or entered by
keyword as they are used during the case.
The product catalogue and pricing
are stored in the cloud which ensures
the documentation is always current.

Make Administrative
Tasks Easier

Surgicloud gives reps more time to provide
customer support and sell products
because our platform reduces the burden of
routine administrative tasks.

Surgicloud Ordering Implantsis Effortless

Ordering Implants is

Surgicloud makes it easy to order new
products following a case. Restock your
inventory with the push of a button.

HIPAA Compliance

Surgicloud is committed to safeguarding patient information, including medical images.
We are currently in the process of implementing the necessary technical, administrative,
and physical safeguards to achieve full compliance with the Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act (HIPAA).